FURTHER. FASTER. Podcast. Episode - 1
Welcome back to series 2 of the Further. Faster. Podcast in association with Montane!

Welcome back to series 2 of the Further. Faster. Podcast in association with Montane!
Yep, we're back to our monthly schedule with host Daniel Neilson after a break and we've started off with two fascinating guests:
First to Hamish Frost, a photographer who specialises in taking pictures in rubbish Scottish mountain weather… that's to say, the best mountain weather! We learn about he became a professional outdoor photographer and his inspirations.
Continuing the theme of professional development, our main interview is with the remarkable Becky Coles. Becky is an expedition leader with a PhD in Glacial Geomorphology. We follow her route from keen walker to climbing some of the most remote peaks in the world, in places including Afghanistan and Central Asia.
Wrap up warm… this episode contains wind and snow, adventure and mishap.